46th Annual Antiques in Schoharie Scheduled for April 2-3, 2022

Plans are finalized for the 2022 Spring Antiques in Schoharie, to be held at the Quality Inn, 160 Holiday Way in Schoharie.  Mark your calendars now for the 2nd and 3rd of April.  We are crawling out of the Covid Pandemic and needed to find a heated venue for the show, other than the Schoharie Central School, and the Quality Inn fits the bill nicely.  There is plenty of free parking.

The show will be welcoming fabulous food trucks and our wonderful dealers for a great weekend of antiquing.  The Girl Scouts will be joining us once again with their cookies.  

Schoharie Colonial Heritage has basically been shut down during the Pandemic and is excited to run their fund-raising events once again.  We operate our 1743 Palatine House Museum, our Schoharie Valley Railroad Complex, and our Children’s Summer Theatre Program with the funds raised by our events.  The events are run entirely by our dedicated volunteers—the backbone of Schoharie Colonial Heritage Association.

Plan to join us for this spring antiques event on Saturday, April 2nd from 10 to 5 and Sunday, April 3rd from 11 to 4 at the Quality Inn of Schoharie.  For more information, please call Show Manager, Ruth Anne Wilkinson, at 518-231-7241.

See you there!

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