46th Annual Fall Antiques in Schoharie, Sept. 24-25

The plans are set, the dealers are signing up and we are excited to look forward to another Fall show in Schoharie.  On September 24 and 25, Schoharie Colonial Heritage Association (SCHA) will once again be hosting our annual 46th Fall Antique Show.  

The dealers will be setting up on the grounds and in the buildings of this historic Railroad Complex.  The backdrop is certainly one of the most unique to visitors.  The Schoharie Valley Railroad Museum’s 1865 Station House and the 1891 passenger car of the Middleburgh & Schoharie Railroad will be open to the public. The Freight Shed, which houses all kinds of railroad memorabilia, including a restored 1917 Delaware & Hudson Railway caboose, will also be open to show-goers.   Our buildings and grounds will be filled with quality dealers who show and sell treasures from our past. There will also be a special exhibit and sale of Shirley’s Stoney Creek Quilts & Wovens on the second floor of the Creamery Building.   This year we welcome the Heritage Artisans as well: the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, the broom maker and the blacksmith, to mention a few.  

The cooks of SCHA have put together a scrumptious selection of picnic foods with our famous homemade desserts, should you want a great lunch under our picnic tent.

Proceeds from the antique shows fund the ongoing historic activities of the Schoharie Colonial Heritage Association.  Mark your calendar:  Saturday, September 24 from 10-5 and Sunday, September 25 from 11-4.  There is plenty of free parking.  The address is 143 Depot Lane, Schoharie, NY  12157.  Please call 518-295-7505 or 518-231-7241 for more information, or visit the SCHA website SchoharieHeritage.org.

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