99th Semi-Annual Elverson Show Set for October 27-28

The Elverson Antique Show and Sale has changed its date to the last weekend in October.  The semi-annual show will be held at the Twin Valley High School, located at 4897 Twin Valley Road, Elverson, PA.  It will take place on Saturday, October 27 from 11 AM to 5 PM and on Sunday, October 28 from 11 AM to 4 PM.  Admission is $7.00, or $6.00 with an advertisement or a card.

The change in date was made to avoid conflicts with other shows that were being held in mid-November, forcing dealers and customers to narrow their choice of which shows to attend.  The change has resulted in attracting several new dealers to the show and reaction has been positive.

Elverson is located in northern Chester County and draws dealers and show-goers from Pennsylvania, as well as surrounding states, such as Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, New Hampshire, and Virginia.  It is within easy driving distance from Philadelphia and New York, just off exit 298 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.  

The show has a rich history of being a terrific buying show for both dealers and collectors.  Pennsylvania country antiques are in abundance, but attendees will also find a vast array of folk art, holiday items, toys, jewelry, and textiles that will complement a traditional home, as well as accessories with a more modern vibe.  

With the spring 2019 show, scheduled to be held on the last weekend in March, March 30 and 31, the Elverson Antique Show will be entering its 50th year!  Many changes have occurred since the first one was held in 1969, but its reputation as an affordable show with great merchandise and friendly dealers remains the same.  

To learn more, visit the Elverson Antique Show and Sale web site or its facebook page.  Readers may also call 701-310-4488 or 717-532-8111 for more information or email ewilhide@hotmail.com.

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