Publisher’s Message: No, I Didn’t Buy Another Windsor
May 21, 2020 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
Granddaughter Sarah knows my weakness for the various styles of Windsor chairs and she knows that I really don’t need another. So when I talk with her after an auction, she kids me with “Did you buy any Windsors?” Well, I suppose I’ll have to confess that...Publiser’s Message: Pewter… Again
May 20, 2019 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
We recently attended a Kelly and Ben Schultz auction in Clarence, NY, not far from our East Aurora Home. This is one auction gallery that hasn’t adopted internet bidding, so the “competitors” are in the room or on the phone. That doesn’t mean the...Where’s That ’30-Word’ Pin?
Apr 25, 2019 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
I’m not sure what prompted me to think about old trophies and prize ribbons. Perhaps it was Gayle Manley’s piece on Kentucky Derby memorabilia (this issue). While antique trophies aren’t high-priced, for the most part, those associated with...Thanks to a Retiring Writer
Mar 20, 2019 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
Helene Marlowe has written to tell me of her plans to end her monthly column, “Collector’s Playtime,” a detailed work on the topic of dolls and related subjects. Her “one year” agreement to write a column stretched into a decade. TheCollector is a labor of love...Publisher’s Massage: Don’t Buy This
Feb 20, 2019 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
By Grant Hamilton, Publisher One of Linda’s favorite retail stores is the HomeGoods store. While she shops I like to do a little market research there. They often catch the wave when it comes to “looks” that are nostalgia-related. Over the years I’ve seen...