Silver Creek Prepares For 25th Annual Yard Sales

The Hanover Chamber of Commerce Silver Creek, NY Yard Sales will celbrate 25 years on Saturday, August 5. Silver Creek and its surrounding area will be full of shoppers looking for that special antique, collectible, appliance, back to school clothes or that just “gotta have it” item.

Sue Briggs of Destinations Plus, chairperson of the sales, stated, “calls for the 2017 yard sales started in April.” With the enthusiasm starting so early, Briggs is confident that 2017 will again be a success.

The yard sales will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 5 p.m. Participating homes will offer “Bunches of Bargains” from 3:01 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Those homes will be designated on the yard sale maps and will be offering reduced prices. The sales take place rain or shine.

The Chamber strongly encourages shoppers to purchase the maps to locate these many sales. “Our residents have worked very hard to get ready for the sales. If the shoppers do not have a map, they cannot determine who is participating in the ‘Bunches of Bargains’ nor will they find the sales outside the village limits,” Ms. Briggs said. The maps also list the top four items being sold at each home.

Yard sale maps will be available for  $1 on Saturday, August 5, starting at 9 a.m. in the park or at 29 Oak St. to assist shoppers in finding the participating homes. This event is the main fundraiser for the Chamber of Commerce. The sale of the maps assist the Chamber in advertising and other costs involved. Net proceeds will be used for community enhancement.

 Two$25 Chamber prize drawings will be offered in this year.  The winners will be drawn at 5 p.m. August 5.  Also, the first 100 map buyers will receive a special 25th Silver Anniversary tote bag.

In addition to the tote bags and a chance to win gift certificates, local chamber members’ discount coupons will be distributed.

Yard Sale participants receive a grape poster with their map number to be displayed in a prominent location the day of the sale. The Chamber requests the shoppers make a special effort to patronize those sales who have properly registered.

This year marks the silver anniversary of the yard sales. The goal this year is 125 sales. “We welcome one and all to our community and thank the shoppers and the home owners in advance for making this another successful event,” Briggs said. For more information, contact Briggs at Destinations Plus at 934-9522 or 934-7334.

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