2024 Spring Antiques in Schoharie, April 13-14

Schoharie Central School, Schoharie, NY

The “SPRING ANTIQUES IN SCHOHARIE” Show is fast approaching!  The contracts are coming in, spaces are being assigned, food is being prepared, and volunteers are being lined up for all the duties.  

The antique dealers are coming in from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and even one from Chicago.  You’ll see country textiles, stoneware, furniture, quilts, homespun, vintage clothing, jewelry, oriental rugs, antique tools, coins and toys, postcards and collectibles of every description.  Spend the day with us.  Have lunch in our café.  Our volunteers will prepare homemade chili, soup, mac and cheese, sandwiches and hotdogs and our famous dessert offerings—especially our pies!  

This is our 48th annual Spring Show.  Completely run by volunteers as a fundraiser for our l743 Palatine House Museum, the Schoharie Valley Railroad Museum, and our summer children’s theatre and music camps. 

Held at Schoharie Central School, 136 Academy Drive on Saturday, April 13 from 10-5 and Sunday, April 14 from 11-4.  Save the date!  For further information, call the office at 518-295-7505 or Show Manager, Ruth Anne Wilkinson, 518-231-7241. 

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