Williamson Show Will Be Held November 6 & 7, 2021

The Wayne County Antiques Dealers Assoc. is proud to announce the 42nd Annual Antique Show & Sale will be held on Sat. & Sun. November 6 & 7, 2021. The show will be held at Williamson High School, 5891 Rt. 21-S, Williamson, N.Y.

Show hours are Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. & Sun. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Over 50 quality dealers will be on hand from seven counties. Admission is $4, with a special price of $3 with a show card or ad (one per person)

Appraisals by H. Price Prazar will be held on Saturday only from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. There will also be a Children’s Treasure Hunt. Lunch is available both days.

A major portion of the show proceeds benefit the Historical Societies of Wayne County and the Williamson Junior Class.

For more information: www.wcada.com


The first Wayne County Antique Dealers’ Association meeting was held at the American Legion, in Sodus, on May 5, 1967. The purpose of the organization, as per the minutes of the first meeting, was “to maintain certain standards, get fully acquainted with every dealer, and enrich our own knowledge. Edward & Alicia Dziekonski, of Wolcott, were a couple of our early charter members.
Annual dues were $12.00 per year. Meetings were held in members’ homes. 

The first WCADA Show & Sale was held Sept. 30, 1967, at Ontario Fireman’s Park. Only dealers from Wayne County could participate. Booths were $10 for non-members and $8 for members. Seventeen booths were available.
The following spring, an antique show was held in May 1968 at the American Legion in Sodus. The spring show was held every year until 2008.

The first Fall Harvest Show & Sale was held in September 1979 at the Williamson High School with an attendance of 723 patrons. The fall show continues today, at the same location, and is held the first weekend in November. 

In 1984, the Wayne County Antique Dealers’ Association was incorporated. 

In 1996, a Historic Grants Program was initiated to benefit chartered historical societies in Wayne County.

We meet once a month at points of interest, members homes, or businesses and give presentations, lectures, and other useful information at our meetings. 

New members gladly accepted!

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