Publisher’s Message: Some Changes Ahead
Oct 15, 2023 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
This is the last issue of the Collector that the Buffalo News contract press department printed for us. As is the case with other daily newspapers in New York, the News decided to close its printing operations here and move printing to Cleveland, Ohio. Unfortunately,...Publisher’s Message: Newspaper Collectibles Aren’t Common
Jul 25, 2023 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
By Grant Hamilton We recently had an opportunity to take a short trip to Vermont where we made our regular stop at the Stone House Antique Co-op in Chester. It’s a short drive on a winding road (what side roads in southern Vermont aren’t winding) from the...Publisher’s Message: What Floats Your Boat (or Train)
Mar 22, 2023 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
Regular readers may notice the by-line of David Hamilton, mostly on articles relating to trains, appearing from time-to-time in the Collector. He, like his old man (me), is a collector. His primary collecting interest has been in railroad-related antiques, though it...Publisher’s Message: Missing the Full House at Auctions
Feb 23, 2023 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
There is no question the antique auction business has changed. The increasing use of internet bidding has left many auction galleries with empty seats yet more bidders. We miss the camaraderie of the “regulars” at local auctions that often attracted standing-room-only...Publisher’s Message: Spinning a Memory or Two
Jan 23, 2023 | By Grant Hamilton, Publisher's Message
Many of us may have some recollection of playing a “78” audio record; that is 78 revolutions per minute, as opposed to a “45” or “33.” The 78 conveyed the popular music of the day until the early 1950s when the more durable 45s with better sound quality...