Publisher’s Message: Some Changes Ahead

This is the last issue of the Collector that the Buffalo News contract press department printed for us. As is the case with other daily newspapers in New York, the News decided to close its printing operations here and move printing to Cleveland, Ohio. Unfortunately, moving our presswork to Cleveland wasn’t an option for us.

This isn’t the first press change for the Collector. Mergers meant the original Collector location in a Rochester, N.Y., suburb sent the Collector and its printing to Canandaigua, N.Y.  After purchasing the Collector, we eventually moved the printing closer to our offices in East Aurora, N.Y. The press operations in Canandaigua have since been moved to New Jersey. 

While we work on a change of printer and the “pre-press” matters that go with it, we’ve decided to combine our November and December issues. Deadlines for the combined issue are found elsewhere in this issue. Advertisers will be informed of any new size requirements.

Thanks in advance to our staff, contributing authors and photographers, advertisers and readers for their patience as we work on new arrangements.

In many respects “change” is what creates collectors and collections. Think of coin collections and stamp collections with dates and variants. And what about style changes or technology changes. My whale oil lamps wouldn’t be in a collection if they were being produced today. And that bell-bottom kerosene lantern from a long-gone railroad wouldn’t likely be sought after if it was still made today. And how would we know that something is “deco” if somebody didn’t define the period for collectors.

Now we don’t expect our readers to run out looking for the “variants” of the Collector, but we are looking forward the next “version.”

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