Salt City Holiday Antiques Show Starts Christmas in Syracuse November 23-24

Allman’s shopping spree opens holiday season at NYS Fairgrounds weekend before Thanksgiving.

Syracuse, NY- Salt City Holiday Antiques Show will open the holiday shopping season the weekend before Thanksgiving, Saturday and Sunday November 23 & 24, 2019, with more than 150 exhibitors at New York State Fairgrounds. Collections for this the first of Allman Promotions three Syracuse shows will be especially timely for Christmas and holiday shopping, featuring gift giving ideas, seasonal decorations, early period antique home furnishings and décor, folk art, fine art, jewelry and more. 

Salt City Holiday Antiques Show changed date pattern from Thanksgiving weekend to this weekend prior to the holiday last year with great response from the shoppers, allowing them to shop without the competition of all the shopping in retails malls. The venue, NY Fairgrounds is great for the show, with good food service for the all-day browsers, free parking and even a sports bar for rest breaks.

This show has become a destination for shoppers looking for that special purchase or last minute decorating idea. There will be wonderful stocking stuffers, too, and timely and thoughtful presents for Hanukkah as well.

 Among the exhibitors will be The Colony Shop, Fayetteville, N.Y., with fine little antiques for home décor; Easter Hill Antiques, Sharon, CT, with have its collection of antique Christmas decorations and Georgian furniture; Susan Sauvageau, Seneca Falls, NY, with her collection of Native American treasures and Wilori Antiques, Rochester, bringing their Nineteenth Century furniture and accessories. These are just a few examples of the variety. There will be furniture from the last three hundred years as well, offered by the many dealers. too.

One of three shows Allman produces in the City, this one is specifically the Christmas Shoppers Special, housed in the Horticultural Building, NYS Fairgrounds are open Saturday from 9AM to 5PM and Sunday from 10AM to 5PM with just $7 daily admission or $8 for a weekend pass. There is plenty of free parking and great on-site food service. For the GPS, use Center of Progress Building, 581 State Fair Boulevard, Syracuse, NY.  For more information on this show call Steve or Judy at 239-877-2830 or go to the web 

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